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Transcendental Beauty & Soul Care


The Transcendental Beauty service is a 10-step chakra balancing experience that utilizes multiple metaphysically therapeutic techniques including candle magick, aromatherapy, sound therapy, light therapy, aura cleansing, & reiki.


The TB service is meant to be a large-scale offering as it generally takes about 3 hours to complete.  I recommend considering the service during a time of great transition, to aid in healing from trauma/grief, along with the change of season, or near a birthday.


With the essence of time in mind, we began developing shorter add-on services that would bring about a greater sense of peace in your day.  We center our coaching and listening therapy segments on examining our place within the systems that currently create oppression and the ways that we can better support our communities and ourselves to heal and adapt to the changes necessary to providing greater equity and access within our communities.   By healing ourselves, we heal everyone around us.


Part of the reason we like to use the term soul care is because it is meant to be inclusive.  The term was coined by The Nap Ministry, which aims to 'examine the liberating power of naps. 'Rest is a form of resistance and reparations.'


In describing the necessity for the term, the Nap Bishop states, "the term self-care is limiting and leaves out examining toxic systems that cause people burn out and stress. We all want to be well but when you have to work three part time jobs with no health insurance to pay rent, dodge police brutality and navigate patriarchy, it can be impossible to care for yourself alone. The self-care and wellness industry needs to be examined. We uplift soul care and community care.

Are the wellness and 'self care' leaders talking about the lack of living wages, criminal justice system, prison industrial complex, domestic violence and lack of affordable health care? If you are just screaming about relaxing and coming to expensive retreats and classes, then what are we really doing?... The current wellness industry is racist, ableist, and an extension of toxic capitalism." 


The first of our Soul Care Sessions under the umbrella of Transcendental Beauty, which can be quick add-on services or stand alone services, is called Coronation.  The Coronation service is centered on opening the pathway to greater clarity and discernment.  It is a ritual cleansing and charging ceremony meant to help you experience a rebirth of glow.


Coronation is an easy way to clear muddled energy around your crown and third eye chakras.  With a combination of cleaning the face, charging with crystal therapy, reiki, and sound therapy, you will leave rejuvenated and ready to reign supreme.


The next of our services is called The Oracle ceremony.  The Oracle service mends the connection between your etheric heart chakra and your throat chakra so that you may speak and react from the place of your sacred truth.  It aims to bring forth your inner soothsayer.


The ritual is meant to help you set healthy boundaries, bolster your confidence, as well as heightening your forgiveness and compassion.  It includes a guided meditation, chanting, positive visualization with reiki, and a banishing ceremony.


The next service is called Rapture.  Rapture is all about connecting you back to and exulting your body.  It is meant to carry you away from your current self image, cleanse, center, and return you to a view of your true self, your highest self.  The ceremony includes light yoga and dance, along with a guided meditation with reiki, and a candle ritual.


Our final service, Catharsis, is focused on healing the sacral and root chakras.  Catharsis heightens your divine sexuality, creativity, and pleasure receptors.  The order of service deepens your empathy and expands your capacity for intimacy.  The ritual includes steam therapy, talk/listening therapy, sound/body tuning, a foot bath, and crystal therapy.


The complete roster of Transcendental Beauty services will be available late summer 2020 once many of the Covid restrictions should be lifted. 


310-754-0249 Direct

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